An order which has not been shipped yet, can be cancelled by sending an email to Once the order is shipped, it cannot be cancelled and will have to be returned. For more on how to return a product, see the Returns section of this page.


We provide a return guarantee on our products from the date of delivery. The product you wish to return should be in its original packaging should be unused with all labels/tags intact. Any freebies or complimentary product received with the shipment should also be returned. Returns or Exchange is not applicable on products sold during Promotions, Sales or Clearance Events. Replacements will be shipped after we have received the original product. Please note, the replacement will only happen if the following conditions are met.

  1. The product has all the labels & tags and is in original packaging.
  2. The product is unused.
  3. The product reaches us in original condition.
  4. If the return product does not meet the above-mentioned conditions, it will not be accepted. No reimbursement will be made in this situation.